The Approach
Only what is Essential. The central motivation behind our work is both to extend it beyond culturally traditional interpretations and to distill its critical essence. We eliminate superfluous and distracting components that do not support the primary idea. Each project begins with a clear, legible concept. This clarity informs a curated movement of the human body through space. We interrogate compositions. We are unafraid of awkward proportions and relationships. Work that provokes curiosity and motivates investigation and study are what we nurture. We hold respect for the authenticity of materials. Conversely, their deployment is more idiosyncratic as uncharacteristic uses and juxtapositions strengthen an experience of the unforeseen. We listen to the makers and incorporate their intelligence to refine each outcome. Works develop as projects of exceptional craft that translate into spaces of integrity and presence. Our work is serious; it is never somber. We cultivate both the playful and the unexpected.
The Studio
blank studio design + architecture was created to honor the capacity for architecture to challenge, inspire and elevate design awareness in an environment that is directed toward increasingly simplistic and synthetic solutions. The design process centers upon investigation and synthesis, the experiential use of space, an authentic expression of materiality, and the engagement of the senses. Within this inclusive method of design, blank studio endeavors through its work, to transcend meaninglessness and create that which is a testimony to the potential of the designed environment.In addition to realized projects, blank studio actively participates in the theoretical realm as well, through teaching and by taking part in various local and international design competitions. As an ever present concern in our natural and built environments today, explorations into sustainable technology and practices inform much of the current work of blank studio.
The Architect
Matthew G Trzebiatowski, AIA, LEED ap (Born Wisconsin, 1972) earned a Masters’ Degree in Architecture from the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee School of Architecture and Urban Planning (SARUP) in 1997. Trzebiatowski is a registered architect in Arizona and Wisconsin and is presently a Professor of Architecture, faculty chair, and architectural practice studio director at the School of Architecture at Taliesin and is an Assistant Lecturer at The University of Arizona. To galvanize his commitment to environmental responsibility, Trzebiatowski is a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Accredited Professional. Trzebiatowski established blank studio design + architecture in 2006 and has won numerous awards for the design work of his studio.
Curriculum Vitae
For a CV with the complete list of studio works, exhibitions, lectures, awards, publications, and list of studio personnel, please follow the link. curriculum vitae